MorningStar Overview
Rick Joyner updates MFM members on what God is doing at MorningStar and his recent involvement in the Showtime series Years of Living Dangerously..
Rick Joyner updates MFM members on what God is doing at MorningStar and his recent involvement in the Showtime series Years of Living Dangerously..
Rick Joyner talks about the importance in believing in the Resurrection of Christ and not just the doctrine, which many Christians struggle with. We are in the middle of things in this time; we will begin to see the miracles of Christ and even more! It’s going to get much better.
Father Mark talks about having the greater glory amongst the darkness of the world. There are certain seasons that there will be victory in the descend of the Lords Glory, that were would be blessings and angel armies with us.
After an intimate worship-intercession set led by Maggie Hoobler and Robert Rummage, Dave Yarnes and Rick Joyner share the beauty and impact of being a partner with MorningStar Ministries. They also discuss how the reach of investing in MorningStar's ministries impacts the world.
Rick Joyner talks about studying and being a disciple. He says disciples lived for one thing in biblical times, to become like their master.
An inspired time of worship is lead by Josh Baldwin, with songs including "Door Keeper" "Praises" and "After You." Rick Joyner shares stories of times past when God moved at MorningStar. Rick teaches on bringing the Glory of God home with us. Jason Hooper shares a personal dream and teaches on receiving recompense in our finances. The night ends with a time of declaration and prayer.
The panel discusses a wide variety of subjects.
Rick talks about the gifts of discernment, prophetic and what to do with our revelations. He talks about the importance of being in a place of authority before you share your insights.