Close to three hundred and fifty people joined us for the Grand Opening of the Bob Jones Vision Center on November 11, 2016. It was an honoring tribute to a humble and powerful man of God. Bob Jones was known for his prophetic accuracy, his somewhat eccentric and humorous ways, and his spectacular encounters with God. One of his most notable encounters was his death experience in 1975 when God asked him, “Did you learn to love?” On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014, Bob went home to be with the Lord. Less than three years later on Veteran’s Day, this facility has been opened to honor this veteran of both spiritual and natural wars.

The Bob Jones Vision Center is a celebration of Bob’s life and the vision he had of “a portal open day and night that goes through the second heaven and right into the throne room.” We believe this facility will be instrumental in equipping the body of Christ in prayer, praise, and prophecy. Rick Joyner said that the Grand Opening being scheduled on 11/11, one of Bob’s favorite numbers, spoke prophetically as a reference to Isaiah 11:11. In this Scripture, the Lord promised to restore Israel to the land a second time. When Isaiah wrote this, Israel had not even been dispersed from the land the first time. One of the major “signs of the fig tree,” or of the nation of Israel, is the Lord's grace and patience to continually forgive and restore His people. Many prophetic words have been given about this Center. Over time we hope to display an archive of the incredible prophecies Bob gave over the years to be studied by future students of the Word.

Bob’s wife, Bonnie Jones, spoke at the Grand Opening, noting how pleased Bob would be to see this project completed. He prophesied that 40,000 youth would come to MorningStar Ministries, and this prayer center will be a vital prayer link for each one. Robert Rummage, MorningStar’s Prayer and Intercession Pastor, reviewed the many opportunities visitors will have to join in prayer groups to sustain such a movement. Ricky Skaggs, a popular American country and bluegrass singer, musician, producer, composer, and dear friend of Bob Jones, shared fond memories of Bob. Ricky also spoke about how important Bob’s influence was in his life. Those present shared a reverent and powerful moment as Ricky led the crowd in Bob’s favorite song, Amazing Grace. The song ends: “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.” This speaks to the vision many will receive from their time at the Bob Jones Vision Center.

The building itself was fully funded by the generous support of our Partners, but there is still much to be done. To be fully operational, the facility still needs furniture, sound equipment, landscaping, décor, and commemorative signage. To make a contribution to the ongoing support of this facility, please click DONATE NOW or call 844-564-6677. Thank you for being a part of this incredible facility and the legacy it carries.
On Valentine’s Day 2014, Bob Jones, friend of God and friend of MorningStar Ministries, went home to heaven. One year to the day after his home going, the ground was broken for the Bob Jones Vision Center. The project was dedicated to the fulfillment of Bob’s vision—a place for prayer, praise, and prophecy. Bob enjoyed walking by the Tram Stop almost daily and it seemed the perfect location to house the Vision Center.

The project began with the partial demolition of the Tram Stop. During this phase, some unexpected damage was found and was repaired within budget requirements. Since the walls are to be mainly glass, part of the structure was left in place. Most recently, a beautiful new green roof has been installed.Thank you for what you have already done for the restoration of this prophetic property. We need your help to move forward with this memorial. Consider taking on a specific part of this project with your church, home group, or family. Click the “Donate Now” button below to contribute to the Bob Jones Memorial Center. We greatly appreciate your contribution.

Phil, the MorningStar grounds construction manager, is often asked about BJVC construction. The big question is, “When will it be finished?” Others ask, “What are you working on now?” “What is the order of construction?” And most often, “Why is it taking so long?” Because MorningStar Ministries does not borrow money to build or restore, construction expenses are met as the Lord brings in the funds.
The vision for this facility is to be a blessing for MorningStar, South Carolina, and the world beyond. Phil believes the BJVC will multiply the effect of everything we do at MorningStar. Although we may not know the precise finish date, we know the project will be finished as quickly as possible. That will be the perfect time—the kairos moment—for The Vision Center to be put into the Lord’s use. Phil is known for his commitment to excellence. He is committed to bringing the BJVC to life just as it is in heaven.

MorningStar’s Pastor of Intercession, Robert Rummage, heard from the Lord, “I am raising up a Moravian lampstand at MorningStar.” The Moravian model was patterned after the Tabernacle of David and the Bob Jones Vision Center will be filled with a variety of the following activities:
- Personal encounters and deepening intimacy with Jesus.
- Psalmist and songbirds ministering to the Lord with new songs.
- Multigenerational gatherings of families, youth, new believers, and mature believers learning to move together in the Spirit.
- Spirit-inspired intersession from the heart of God fueled by prophetic revelation.
- The equipping and releasing of the next generation of revivalists.
- New expressions of praise, prayer, and prophecy that will inspire families, churches, groups, and ministries worldwide.
Robert envisions times set aside each week to focus on specific prayer targets, in addition to 24/7 prayer for bursts of time. Like the Moravians before us, missional activity will be a natural outgrowth resulting from the three-ring circus of prayer, praise, and prophecy. Robert is looking forward to changing history with God.
Bob Jones had a vision for “a portal open day and night that goes through second heaven and right into the Throne Room.” Please pray with us to see this come into being here at MorningStar, where you live, and all over the world.
Projected construction budget for the completed BJVC is $600,000. To date our Partners and friends have given almost $593,000. Because MorningStar Ministries does not take on debt to complete restoration projects, each phase is completed as the Lord provides the funds. We wanted you, our Partners, to know where we are with this significant task.
During these pivotal times, if you feel led to be part of this life-giving monument inspired by the vision of Bob Jones, please consider donating to the completion of the Bob Jones Vision Center.
Bonnie JonesFrom Her Heart

I am thankful to Rick Joyner and MorningStar Ministries for making the Bob Jones Vision Center a reality. Upon its completion, The Vision Center will be a habitation for the presence of God, a sanctuary of peace for the community, and a lighthouse reaching to the world.
Bob Jones was a remarkable man, never short on revelation and ever knowing the heart of God. Because he walked with God, he knew the Father’s heart and vision for the times. Bob knew MorningStar Ministries would impact the nations. He said it would be the greatest show on earth, and he compared it to a three-ring circus. Like a circus with three rings, Bob saw three rings filled with prayer, praise, and prophecy. At center stage in the center ring, Bob saw a coming flood of young people, those born since 1981, who would proclaim the creative word brought in by the Spirit of prophecy.
I would like to personally thank everyone who has made this undertaking possible. It brings honor to the Lord and to a man who walked with God. Even more important, I pray this will be a place where all Christians can gather to glorify God through their prayer, praise, and prophecy.
“Bob knew that he would live to see the beginning of this great harvest, and his passing is a marker for us to get ready for a great worldwide ingathering.” — RICK JOYNER
“Bob was well-known for his remarkable love for Jesus and His Word – he devoured the Bible for 40 years.” — MIKE BICKLE
“Every monumental turn that our lives have taken in those years have been marked by Bob’s love and friendship.” — RAY HUGHES