Strength Through Waiting
Strength Through Waiting by Cindy Jacobs
From a recent service at MorningStar Fellowship Church, Cindy Jacobs delivers a timely word of encouragement to the body Christ on the process of waiting on the Lord and His timing
Strength Through Waiting by Cindy Jacobs
From a recent service at MorningStar Fellowship Church, Cindy Jacobs delivers a timely word of encouragement to the body Christ on the process of waiting on the Lord and His timing
Listen in to our recent Wild Love 2015 event as Robin McMillan reveals how strength becomes possible when we are weak and dependent on Jesus.
In this Featured Worship Video from the 2011 New Year's conference, Suzy Yaraie leads the attendees in spontaneous worship, reminding us that what we are looking for is already inside of us. "Where is the glory we always sing about; it's inside my heart. Inside our spirits is where the glory lies; waiting to come out. Where can we go that we've never gone before? What can we see that we've never seen before? What can we hear that we've never heard before? Where is the worship that we're longing for? It's inside of us!"
In this Featured Video from the 2013 MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries Retreat, Ablaze, Bob Jones shares about crossing over into the Jordan in love. The one question the Lord will ask us when we get to heaven is, “Did you learn to love?”
MSTV Unlimited Subscribers click HERE to view the entire service.
Rick Joyner continues his message on "The Path of Life." Amber Brooks leads worship with the song "He Found Me."
Marcus Lamb speaks on how we're all a work in progress, trouble can make us bitter or better, and how forgiveness helps our outcome in times of trouble.