My eyes are continually toward the LORD, for He will pluck my feet out of the net (Psalm 25:15).
There is no trap the enemy can lay for us that the Lord cannot deliver us from. However, deliverance requires that we look to Him, not man, and not to our own devices.
One cannot live in this world without having difficulties. When the Son of God Himself walked the earth He suffered continual attacks from His enemies. They were constantly trying to trap Him, discredit Him, and even kill Him. We can look at His life and think that He never had any peace, but in fact He was never without peace. He was the Prince of Peace, and peace could not be taken from Him by trials. Neither can the peace that He has given to us be taken by trials, unless we surrender it.
As I am writing this I am watching a bluebird seeking out its breakfast in the grass. What a wonderful existence this bird seems to have, flying around happily enjoying all that God created. However, reality is that every time the bird lands, it has to watch out for a host of creatures that would like to make it their breakfast. Even when it flies, hawks and falcons must constantly be watched.
What's my point? Presently the whole earth is in conflict. As humans we may complain about our "dog eat dog" existence of competition, but the rest of the creatures have to worry about being literally eaten every day. Even so, as Christians we have the greatest promise of all, the promise of a world to come that is greater than any utopia or civilization that even the most optimistic philosophers have been able to envision. A kingdom is coming that will bring peace to the earth. It will bring such peace that the lion will lie down with the lamb, and children will be able to play with cobras. No one will hurt anyone else again on the earth.
It is the goal of the Christian life to live in the age to come now. It is our job to live in it to the degree that we can preach it with conviction, and demonstrate it with power. We are ambassadors of this kingdom that is going to come to earth. Every day we must arise and keep our attention on living in the realm where peace is already available that is beyond comprehension to those who merely live on this earth.
We are called to live every day walking closely with the Prince of Peace Himself. Because He is the Prince of Peace He brings peace wherever He goes. Therefore, if we take Him to work with us we will bring peace to the workplace. When conflict arises, we will not get caught up in it, but rather be peacemakers. Our job now is to help the lions and lambs start lying down together in peace.
It is noteworthy that the apostle said, "And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet" (see Romans 16:20). It seems that it would be "the Lord of hosts," which means "Lord of armies," that would crush Satan, but rather it is "the God of peace." The peace of God is an impregnable fortress and irresistible force. The power of God's peace is greater than all of the conflict on this earth.
Do not let anything steal the peace of God that has been given to you. We have this peace by keeping our attention on the One who is above all rule and authority and power. It is our calling to live in His domain, where there is peace, and to carry it forth into this present darkness. Those who live by His peace have the sure promise from the Lord that a better day is coming to this earth. That is the kingdom that He preached, and we too must proclaim by the demonstration of our lives that our peace cannot be shaken by the conflicts of this present age. For this reason the apostles continually gave the salutation, "May the peace of God be with you."