On Monday, September 27, 2004, MorningStar Fellowship Church completed the purchase of the former Heritage USA Grand Hotel and Conference Center, along with fifty-two acres of the surrounding property. MorningStar intends to use this property as the primary base for its Charlotte area congregation, its Christian day school, School of Ministry, as well as a conference center.
Having been vacant for several years, the buildings have fallen into considerable disrepair. We therefore expect it to be a long, hard, and expensive job to restore them. Even so, the response of people to volunteer their time and resources to this effort has enabled the restoration to go forward at a rate much faster than expected. MorningStar Fellowship Church is now planning to hold its first services in the lobby of the former Grand Hotel on Sunday, December 5, 2004. The goal is to complete the restoration of the rest of the buildings to like new condition by the end of 2005.
This property was used to bring humiliation and reproach to the worldwide body of Christ, so we know that restoring its reputation will be even more difficult than the physical restoration of the buildings. However, it is our goal to see that it becomes a testimony of God’s heart for redemption and restoration. Since the Fall, restoration has been the primary work of God, and we believe this property can be as great a witness for good as it was for reproach. As Peter wrote in Acts 3:19-21:
Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;
and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you,
whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.”
From the first century until now, the primary purpose of the church has been to proclaim the coming kingdom of God. When the Lord returns, He is going to restore all things that were lost by the Fall. This work of restoration has begun with His own household. Because this property, the former Heritage USA or PTL, became one of the most recognized symbols of the failure of the church, its restoration can likewise send a strong message of the coming victory of the Lord in His church.
It is for this reason that we have given the site a new name, but one that is linked to its history— Heritage International Ministries (H.I.M.). This is in order to honor the past and those who gave so much to build this property, including Jim Bakker and all of the partners who built Heritage USA. It is our goal to never forget the past, both the good and bad, but rather to redeem it.
We realize that restoring these buildings is not as important as restoring the integrity, the morality, and the basic message of the church. This will be our primary devotion, as we seek to restore the buildings to a condition even better than when they were new. We intend to see it become a place where ministries with integrity and power are raised up and sent out as missionaries who will give glory to the name of the Lord in every place where this property once brought shame. One day it will be said of this property what was said in Haggai 2:9: “The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,” says the Lord of hosts, “and in this place I shall give peace,” declares the Lord of hosts.”
Though we acknowledge the significance of this property as a symbol, we know that the Lord is far more concerned with restoring people than buildings. We therefore hope to raise up a ministry here which truly fulfills Galatians 6:1, “Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.” This is a restoration ministry where those who are caught in “any trespass” will be able to come and not be condemned, but helped until they are fully restored.
To do this we also know that in every way we must be a ministry which does not compromise the biblical standards of integrity and morality. The Lord does not forgive excuses; He forgives sins if we confess them. We do not intend to overlook the sin that requires a genuine process of restoration which can only begin with repentance from the sin, just as we do not intend to overlook the history of this property. We want that history to be a continual reminder to us of the tragedy and devastation that sin causes, while at the same time pointing to the hope of redemption and restoration for those who in any way have fallen into the grip of sin.
We are well aware that this will be a difficult task. Just as Nehemiah experienced opposition when he sought to rebuild that which was bringing reproach to God’s people, we are expecting the same. We even expect many Christians to be opposed to this work, but we are confident of our calling to do this and intend to remain resolute until it is accomplished.
Also, just as Nehemiah had different families take a section of the wall of Jerusalem to rebuild, we need the help of those who have a heart to see this work accomplished. We have been greatly encouraged by the many people who have already risen with a heart for this work. Volunteers have swarmed over the property cleaning it up, cutting weeds, painting, and even joining the construction crews. We have actually had people move to the area to volunteer their time as workers. Others have given large, sacrificial donations.
As Robin McMillan pointed out at our recent Harvest Conference, when Ezra returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, we do not know how many of God’s people remained in Babylon, but those who returned to restore the temple are numbered in canon Scripture, even down to the number of animals who came with them (see Ezra 2). We are are in need of help from those whose hearts have been stirred by God’s purpose of restoration for this place. If you, your prayer group, home group, church, or ministry would like to join with us in this work, you can be numbered with us in the following ways:
We were shown before we took this project on that it would be the biggest battle of our lives, and we would face the same attacks that Nehemiah did when he sought to restore that which was bringing reproach to God’s people. We need prayer for encouragement, endurance, wisdom, and discernment, and for all who have joined together to do this work. Above all, we ask for the favor and grace of God.
If you, your prayer group, or church are going to be praying for us on a regular basis, and you would like updates on the progress and significant events that take place in relation to this project, please contact:
Keala Elston intercession@morningstarministries.org
We need about three and a half million dollars to bring the property to like new condition. We will then need about five million more to develop it into the ministry center to fully meet the needs of the schools, churches, and ministries who will be using it. This will give us a property worth over ten times as much as we will have invested in it. If you would like to join with us in this work of restoration, you can give a one time gift or join our partner’s fellowship, The MorningStar Strategic Team (MST), by giving as little as $15 per month, or $150 a year. A gift of $100,000 or more qualifies you for a lifetime membership in MST.
In joining MST you can designate all or part of your donation to go to H.I.M. Funds that come through MST donations, which are not designated are placed into the general missions account of the ministry. About one-third of this will presently go to the restoration of H.I.M.
Because King David, who was said to be a man after God’s own heart, established that those who stay with the baggage should receive the same reward as those who go to the battle, we consider the members of MST to be our co-workers in the gospel. Not only are our MST members becoming a true fellowship within the ministry, but Rick Joyner personally writes a letter to them each month to share the innermost workings and reasonings behind ministry actions. MST members also have their own special hospitality room at MorningStar events, and will also have one at H.I.M., where they can meet with the MorningStar leadership team, as well as each other.
To join MST there is a form provided with this bulletin. To give by credit card, just call our toll free number at 1-800-542-0278, and give them your information and the amount you want to donate each month. You may also discontinue these donations at any time, with no explanation required.
For information on planned giving through wills, living trusts, gift legacies, etc., through vehicles which you can receive a tax deduction now and ensure that part of your estate will be used for the work of the Lord after you have gone on to join Him as a member of that “great cloud of witnesses,” please visit our website at msm.morningstarministries.org, and go to Heritage (H.I.M) and then click “Planned Giving.”
We also need equipment such as computers, phone systems, furniture, building materials, anointed art, and vehicles such as cars, vans, trucks, an airplane, and a helicopter.
In giving material or equipment, we ask you to give these as unto the Lord, by giving only that which is in good condition, since the Lord severely rebuked Israel for bringing gifts to Him which were flawed. We should always want to give our best to the work of the Lord.
Also, according to the IRS, it is the responsibility of the donor to value all non-monetary gifts, but we can give a receipt for tax deduction purposes for the value you have established for your gift.
If you have construction or technical skills, and would like to volunteer for any period of time to work on this project, we would love to have you help us. However, we ask that you contact us and schedule your visit through our office so we can be sure you are coming at a time when your particular skill is needed and your valuable time is not wasted. To volunteer, please contact: Presently, we have a temporary Certificate of Occupancy to use the building for meetings, but cannot yet use the hotel rooms for accommodations. We may be able to find families who would be willing to host you for a period of time, if requested.
Eventually, we will be adding many to the staff of the H.I.M. Conference Center. However, we are not looking for employees but co-workers in the gospel. We want every room maid and janitor to be an intercessor. We want our doormen to be watchmen with gifts of healing and discernment. We are looking for people with true spiritual gifts of hospitality who do not see their position as a job, but as a ministry and the highest one of all— serving the very household of the King of kings.
We do look first to our volunteers and donors for positions which open up in the ministry, as they have already proven where their hearts are, but we are open for any we feel the Lord is truly sending to join with us in the work. If you want to apply for one of the full or part-time positions which will be opening up over the next year, please send your resume, with a letter of recommendation from your pastor.
NOTE: Until the work of restoration is completed, H.I.M. is a construction site and visitors or tourists cannot be allowed except at designated meeting times in the lobby of the Grand Hotel. We will from time to time schedule tours for those interested, but please do not come to the site except at designated meeting times unless you are a scheduled volunteer. We appreciate your interest, but every unscheduled visit by someone costs our workers valuable time.
Scheduled meeting times of the MorningStar Fellowship Church are:
7:30 p.m. Friday nights
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday mornings
Of course, we would love to have you visit us at these times. Any other special meetings will be given by announcement at these meetings or on our website:
msm.morningstarministries.org. Thank you.