Hebrews 10:35 states, "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward." In every sphere of life, confidence can be a primary factor that makes the difference between victory or defeat. Successful sports teams will quickly tell what a significant part confidence played in their victories. Successful generals will often point to the confidence they had in their troops as a reason for military victory. Victorious troops will usually point to the confidence they had in their generals. Successful businessmen will usually point to the confidence that have in their people, or products, as the reason for their success. The reward of confidence is success.
More than any other people on earth, Christians should go through life with confidence. We have the best Leader. There is nothing that the world could ever produce more valuable than the gospel that we have been given, and He is making His people into the greatest souls who ever walked the earth.
Yet many Christians still live their lives in fear, timidity, and defeat. Regardless of who you are, or your present circumstances, if you are a Christian this can and must change. Not only can you have victory, but overwhelming victory in every area of your life. This does not mean that our lives will be without trials. In fact, victory is the consequence of one thing—battle! However, Christians are to live as "more than conquerors" (see Romans 8:37 KJV).
A conqueror is one who is actually looking for battles in order to take more territory. That should be the mentality of every Christian—we should always be looking for a fight against the evil spiritual strongholds that are hindering our own lives, and then against the ones that are hindering others. That is why Christians are often referred to as an "army." We have been called to battle. Every trial or battle that we have in life is an opportunity to fight the good fight of faith, but only those with confidence will see them as such.
Confidence is a powerful word, and biblical confidence is a powerful force. Some of the most important biblical teachings center around this word. Confidence is the key to perceiving the will and victory God has for us. Paul said, "Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us enough to die for us" (Romans 8:37 LB). This verse reflects the depth and power of a conviction that was the foundation of the apostle's life. Despite distress, persecution, tribulation, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword, Paul lived above it all as more than a conqueror. We too can live as more than conquerors because Jesus conquered and spoiled Satan at Calvary (see Colossians 2:15). The power of this great truth is the power to live an overcoming life. The victory of the cross is the source of our confidence, and if we live by it we will always eventually see triumph.