Discerning the Times, Part 36
Our goal is to discern:
1) What is happening?
2) What is not happening?
3) What we can do about it?
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Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants |
Our goal is to discern:
1) What is happening?
2) What is not happening?
3) What we can do about it?
Churches, ministries, or organizations that only minister to large groups will tend to be more shallow in their messages and the equipping of their people. However, churches that only minister to small groups can be deeper, but they, too, can become imbalanced and prideful if they are not joined in some way to a larger group to gather with at times. The healthiest churches tend to be those that have a large gathering for all, yet have a vital small group ministry as well.
As we have previously discussed, it is likely that some of the greatest Christian leaders and missionaries to have ever lived are alive and serving now. Even so, as much as 90 to 95 percent of Christian missions are either ineffective or counterproductive—sometimes being negative witnesses for the gospel. There are various reasons for this, but most of these missionaries are good Christians, devoted to their work, and would be appalled at the thought that their work could actually be counterproductive to the cause of Christ.
Man exists for God. Government exists for man, and this includes the government of God. Government is the servant, not the master. Because fallen man is basically selfish and self-centered, stronger government is needed to keep order and provide justice in this fallen world. No earthly government has been perfect at this, or will be. Most governments degenerate into using people for their own interests rather than serving the interests of their people, and this includes church governments. This is when governments fall and begin to fail in their basic purpose.
We’ve come again to the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. As we read the creation story, we see the importance God placed on giving us seasons. Each calendar year, it’s like He wanted us to have a chance for a fresh start—a marker from which we look backward and forward. What did we accomplish last year? Did we accomplish our goals? Do we need to set a new direction or goals? Such periodic evaluations keep us fresh, giving us a new beginning every year.
Before continuing with what it means to be a servant of Christ, we will look at a few more aspects of “The Great Commission” from Matthew 28:19-20:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Three in One
Beginning this fall, MSU will be three schools in one. The word “university” comes from the words “unity-in-diversity,” which is truly what the school will be. This increased definition and specialization will enable a much greater advancement and effectiveness of each program and MSU as a whole. We are told in Ecclesiastes 4:12, “a cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.” Each will be stronger with a more clearly defined relationship with the other two. The following are the three schools and a brief description of their
The foundation of a biblical worldview is the first four words in The Bible—“In the beginning God….” That God is, and made all that is, is our foundational understanding. From this, all other truth springs.
The first implication of this is that the world is the Lord’s, and we are His. He created us for a purpose, and to find and fulfill that purpose is the only path to a truly successful human life. As Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40: