In this Featured Worship Video from our 2012 MorningStar HarvestFest Conference, we hear from special guest, Jonathan David Helser as he sings his original song, “You See”. The Lord sees us for who we are, who He created us to be and sees the big picture of everything happening in our lives. When we see our enemy; He sees His footstool!
In this Featured Video we see Part 1 of Rick Joyner’s reaction to the recent Presidential Election as shared on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at the MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. You can view Parts 2 and 3 of this message here on MorningStarTV.com.
MSTV Subscribers, click HERE to view this message in its entirety.
By the power of Jesus' resurrection, we live in complete freedom from the chains of sin and death. In this featured video from a recent Sunday morning service at MorningStar Fellowship Church, Kelanie Gloeckler leads a powerful time of worship with her song, "Resurrection Power," blessing the Lord for our gift of freedom.
Click HERE to purchase media from this service.
Bob Jones’ Memorial service includes testimonies, worship, and stories from various speakers honoring him as a prophet, father, and friend to the body of Christ for over 40 years.