On Monday afternoon, there were explosions near Boston's Copley Square at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Rick Joyner speaks about the tragedy and encourages believers to remain in the peace of God and not give way to fear and anxiety.
In this Special Webinar recorded live at Heritage International Ministries, Marc Nuttle, an internationally-recognized economic and political authority, speaks with David Yarnes, Executive Vice President of MorningStar Ministries, about how the economy is approaching the "debt wall" which will affect us all. Marc gives us critical information about what this will look like and how we can respond.
In this Featured Worship Video from the 2012 MorningStar New Year's Conference, Suzy Yaraei leads the crowd in a song of adoration to Jesus, "Your Highness". Jesus is high and lifted up and worthy of all of our love, praise, and worship.
MSTV Unlimited Subscribers click HERE to view this service in it's entirety.
In this featured video from a recent Friday night SOS meeting at MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, SC, Brad McClendon speaks about the love of God that comes into an atmosphere of His glory. His love is there to change our plans so that they become all about Jesus again, returning to our first love.
MSTV Subscribers, click HERE to view this service in its entirety.
In this video, Brad McClendon shares about a personal encounter with Jesus and how in the presence of the Lord, the true contents of our hearts are revealed and deliverance can take place in our lives.
In this week's Featured Worship Video from the recent Movement 2012 Youth Conference at MorningStar, David Vallier leads the crowd in a song of invitation to the Lord for him to come and let His presence fill our lives.