MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Tom Hardiman shares his experience as an Olympic athlete and his feeling that the ear of the Lord has turned towards us.
Shawn Bolz shares some of his personal life testimony. He also shares on being Christian in the entertainment business.
Josh Baldwin and Amber Brooks lead a dynamic and powerful of worship. Rick Joyner speaks a sobering message about what is happening in our country in terms of our religious freedom in contrast with the proliferation of Islam and it's growing influence in our country.
Tom Hardiman talks about the "Great Awakening" and various movements of God in America. We are ready for another great move of God!
In this morning's service, Rick Joyner shares his insight into the imminence of the end-time harvest and God's reestablishment of the tabernacle of David. He shares his opinion that the spirit of Saul (representing the work of the flesh) is virtually always a precursor to the spirit of David which must be the heart of any real move of God. We must remain in the heart of our Heavenly Father to birth a generation that will usher in His kingdom on the earth.
Dave Yarnes continues on the city of God and how we can actively improve having it closer in our lives
Leonard Jones leads an energetic worship session and Rick Joyner continues his series, "The Army of the God, Pt. Six".
After worship with Amber and David, Mary-Anne Hardiman teaches on principles of our founding fathers as the ten-minute speaker. Rick addresses marriage and divorce and how it's affecting the body of Christ. He concludes that we need the Holy Spirit to convict us and set us free from strongholds in our lives!
Paul Keith Davis teaches on the timing of God in this season. Prophetic vision is paramount and is available for every believer.