2010 MSTV Show #3
Rick Joyner starts a new series called "The Path of Life." Molly Skaggs leads a spontaneous worship song.
Rick Joyner starts a new series called "The Path of Life." Molly Skaggs leads a spontaneous worship song.
In this Featured Teaching Video from a recent Sunday morning service at the MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, SC, Rick Joyner shares about the recent surge of interest in John 3:16 and the gospel message. This has come about as a result of Tim Tebow's promotion of the gospel message and his corresponding football statistics all numbering 316 (Tebow passed for 316 yards in the victory. Tebow averaged 31.6 yards per pass.) from the January 8th AFC playoff game where Tebow and the Denver Broncos beat the famed Pittsburgh Steelers 29 to 23.
In this video taken from a recent Sunday morning service, Rick Joyner brings a message on how understanding the times leads to freedom and how the role of the Church is being light in the darkness.
Rick share pitfalls of the prophetic ministry. These pitfalls include
- Feeling like we have to get it perfect.
- Taking on the feelings the Lord gives us as our own.
- Going beyond the revelation the Lord has given us.
- You don't have to tell them how you know the information you have.
- Thinking what we feel is what God feels. (The only way to learn this is by experience)
- The fear of man
Rick also discusses the levels of prophetic revelation that all happen today including Impressions, visions, open visions, angelic visitations, being caught up before the Lord.
Powerful worship led by David Vallier breaks off any hinderances in our worship and Rick Joyner continues his talks on Prophetic Ministry.