Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Prepared for the Times, Part 50

     Many things bring life to a church, such as great preaching, prayer, worship, and fellowship. However, three things seem to bring the most life to the church—hearing from God, miracles, and new believers. In our local church, we have been blessed by an increase in each of these, which has come in waves. It seems that we may be in the first stages of yet another wave, which is creating a lot of excitement. A few weeks ago, I was also given a promise from the Lord—He said He is going to release a double portion of prophetic revelation to us.

You Shall Be Holy

     True holiness is not legalism but love. The reason the bride wants to be without spot or wrinkle is not out of the fear that if she is not perfect her Bridegroom will smite her, but because she is so in love with Him that she wants to be perfect for Him. This is the difference between being driven by legalism, which is fear based, and being motivated by the love that fulfills the Law.

Taking the Land, Part 92

Last week we discussed how the habitations of God in Scripture, the tabernacles, had three compartments, and how we applied this to our Katrina relief efforts, breaking it down into three phases, which were:

Phase I: Rescue. The main goal in this phase is simply saving lives and getting people to safety.

Phase II: Stabilization. The main goal of this phase is to establish PODs for sustaining the people with the basic needs of food, medicine, shelter, clothing, etc.

Taking the Land, Part 37

Even a cursory look at church history reveals many things that were not only contrary to the teachings and nature of Christ, but were diabolical in nature. Today the church tends to deal mostly with matters of insensitivity, but in times past, the issues were how to deal with the brutal and inhuman cruelty being inflicted on literally millions in the name of Christ. Certainly, progress has been made out of the deep darkness which the church had fallen into. So where are we now? What's next?

Taking the Land, Part 5

As we continue our study from the rest of Joshua 6, we learn how Israel crossed over to possess the Promised Land by capturing Jericho through faithfully following the Lord’s orders. However, before they blew the trumpets and shouted so that the walls would fall down, Joshua charged the people to keep their vow to Rahab the harlot and those who were in her house not to touch anything that was under the ban.