Open Panel Discussion
The panel discusses a wide variety of subjects.
The panel discusses a wide variety of subjects.
Hombre Liggett: Our nation was founded on Christian principles, and the body of Christ played the most essential roles. The founders of America believed in the blood of Jesus, and the Christian history of our country is a righteous cause that we are called to stand and defend.
Olivia Douglas, from CSCL, speaks a powerful blessing over the congregation from the Lord.
Cindy Jacobs delivers a powerful word on standing up and not being ashamed of Jesus when our culture demoralizes everyday life.
Marc Nuttle then shares that it is common sense to speak the truth in America in regards to our youth.
Rick Joyner then shares about the need for a group of a strong few to stand up.
Nicholas Papanicolaou leads a message on the history of America, it's founding fathers and the constitution. He states how it has been hijacked away from it's original intentions as a nation.
Bob Weiner starts off the service with help people get rid of their fears through scripture.
Rick Joyner shares about the Oak Iniaitive and it's history.
In this Featured Teaching Video from a recent Sunday morning service at MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC, special guest, Bob Weiner, shares about the work he has been doing at Harvard, M.I.T., and other influential universities in America. He is working to see a 3rd Great Awakening in our country. Some of the seeds that were sown to make this possible came from the members and friends of MorningStar. We are partnering together to take over the world, and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith!
Bob tells us to expect to reap the harvest that is our inheritance. The Kingdom of God is going to advance, no matter what is happening in the world. He leads everyone in praying for the gift of faith; so that everyone in the world will have a chance to hear the word of the Lord. He tells us to throw off condemnation, guilt, and anything else that keeps us from fulfilling 2 Thessalonians 2:14 in our lives. He reminds us that we are justified and righteous by our faith.
Bob Weiner gives eleven keys to building your faith. He says that your faith level has to be up to be able to receive your inheritance. The more you exercise your faith the bigger it will get. All we have to do is walk by faith and not by sight, and everything that is already in the spiritual world will be released.
Bob uses an abundance of scripture to show that 2012 can be our greatest year ever--full of great grace and favor. He uses Jeremiah 1:12 to highlight our belief in God's word, "For this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith in God!" He says God is watching over His word in 2012 to perform it! God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants. Bob challenges us to double or triple our time with God before the end of the year, and we will begin to see miracles. At the end he tells us 20 ways to prosper in 2012.
Bob Weiner challenges us to ask ourselves: "Are not the heirs of God?" We are His children! How dare we think anyway else?