Rick Joyner Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books, including The Final Quest Trilogy, There Were Two Trees in the Garden, The Path, and Army of the Dawn. He is also the Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization which includes Heritage International Ministries, MorningStar University, MorningStar Fellowship of Churches and Ministries. Click here to take a look at Rick's latest Rant #ricksrants

Taking the Land, Part 101

The church is going through a transition right now. The form of the church that has evolved through the last few centuries will not be able to survive the coming times. Like John the Baptist was honored by the Lord, we should honor the church of the past for all that it has accomplished. But another type of leadership is being raised up that we must now follow. One will decrease and one will increase.

Taking the Land, Part 46


As we are still discussing the important subject of church government, which will also become a pattern for the coming kingdom government, the first principle in establishing and maintaining true spiritual authority is keeping the Lord as the Head of the church. Even the most perfectly biblical form of church government can be used to supplant His headship if we do not keep this main thing the main thing.

Creating a Clean Heart - Part 4

This may seem like quite a diversion from our study of end time prophecies to be doing such an extensive study of the works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:18-21.However, this understanding is essential if we are going to be prepared for the end times, or for today. It is far more important to be abiding in the Lord than just understanding what is going to happen in these times. It is only by abiding in Him so that we see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and begin to understand with His heart, that we can see and understand anything correctly, including biblical prophecies.

Liberty and Truth

All of creation is a witness that it is fundamental to the nature of God to love diversity and creativity. He makes every snowflake different, every tree different, and every human being different. There are no two hills, streams, or lakes alike. This must cause us to ask another one of those ultimate questions: “If God so loves diversity and creativity, why is the church, which is supposed to be His representative on the earth, so boringly uniform?”

Day 64 - The Reward of Confidence

Hebrews 10:35 states, "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward." In every sphere of life, confidence can be a primary factor that makes the difference between victory or defeat. Successful sports teams will quickly tell what a significant part confidence played in their victories. Successful generals will often point to the confidence they had in their troops as a reason for military victory. Victorious troops will usually point to the confidence they had in their generals.

Instructed to Judge- The Greatest Christian Life, Part 30

        As we have covered, it is a common belief that Christians have been instructed not to judge. But nowhere does Jesus say that, and nowhere is this said in the Scriptures. Some flawed English translations give the impression that Jesus said this when He talked about taking the log out of our own eye before trying to remove the speck from someone else’s eye. However, what He taught there and elsewhere is not to judge wrongly.

Day 16 - Unity

And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27).
Man was originally created male and female. After the woman was taken from man, it would take both the man and the woman, in unity, to reveal the image of God. No man can fully reveal the image of God, and neither can any woman. We need each other, and this is why one of the primary assaults of the devil is to deceive men and women into thinking that they do not need each other.

Between Two Great Waves - The Great Commission, Part 41

         If you have been reading this Word For The Week for long, you have likely noticed my style is to develop a theme, and then from time to time go back to review it before going on. I may say things a little differently, but it is purposeful repetition. Repetition is required for retention, and the more something is repeated, the more it will be retained. What we do not retain we have little possibility of actually doing, and it is by doing that we bear fruit. Our goal is not just to know the will of God, but to do His will.

A Roller Coaster Year - The Great Commission, Part 2

         When I prayed for this coming year, I was shown a roller coaster. This means we will have ups and downs this year. I realize that hardly takes a prophet to predict, but the encouraging thing about this vision was that the ride ended at the highest point. We’re going higher this year! So don’t be discouraged by the dips. Hang on and know that we will be going up again soon.